Dept.1 Solutions was connected with LegalCORPS in the first half of 2024 to conduct a free "On the House" strategy assessment and to deliver data integration solutions related to LegalCORPS' service intake forms and CRM.

LegalCORPS had previously contracted another agency to oversee migration and configuration of their Salesforce instance - however, the project was described by staff as "unfinished business".
"We had some work done several years ago importing forms into Salesforce and we were not getting all the information we needed for our clients... The work was incomplete and didn't entirely solve the problem - it was half-fixed."
In just six weeks, a problem that the LegalCORPS team had been dealing with for several years (and was paid to be fixed by another agency) was finally resolved. The team collaborated through a steady series of cadence meetings to discuss project updates, gather requirements, and demonstrate new configurations. All while being mindful of LegalCORPS staff time which also needed to be spent conducting the regular activities to deliver on its mission.
To ensure that LegalCORPS was equipped with the resources necessary to operate the system and make future changes without dependence upon an external consultant, a set of comprehensive user guides and manuals were created - detailing the new configuration along with steps to replicate it for other use cases.
Program coordinators from LegalCORPS had the following to say about the project:
"Everything is aligned and synced together... it is going to simplify our process enormously."
"We have all the information we need in one spot on Salesforce."
"Dept.1 Solutions was a great thought partner in terms of how we do our process and why that was just as important as our technical capabilities."
LegalCORPS now has the ability to report on service delivery to key funders and stakeholders with a level of efficiency and accuracy that was not previously achievable.
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LegalCORPS is a tax exempt 501(c)3 non-profit organization that offers free business legal help to low-income entrepreneurs, business owners, inventors, and low-revenue nonprofit organizations via volunteer attorneys. If you'd like to learn more about LegalCORPS, please visit their website: